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GoMacro Bars & A Recipe!

Let's get something straight. Food quality matters.

We spend a lot of time obsessing over whether carbs are good or bad, whether fat is phat, and if protein is for bros...but I have been really impressed by the amount of focus that has recently been brought to quality.

The fact is that nutrient rich, fiber loaded carbs play an important role in feeling energized, building strong calorie-burning muscle and curbing cravings. Anti-inflammatory fat sources are one of the most important tools in fighting chronic disease, staying fuller longer and decreasing inflammation in the body. Protein keeps you full and slim - its really freaking important.

GoMacro bars are certified raw, vegan, gluten free and organic. The ingredient list is CLEAN and the bars are awesome low-calorie meal replacements, or work well as snacks if you save half for now and half for later (or choose a GoMacro Mini). I love them because they're filling and yummy, but not so-sweet that it awakens your inner sugar-demons. 

I mean, c'mon, their tagline is "EAT AND THRIVE." I love that. I love the idea that we do not have to settle for feeling "good," but can use nutrition to THRIVE and live a life of ROBUST health. Ah, I love these freakin' all-powerful words. 

The flavors are so good. SO GOOD. And there are SO MANY flavah-flaves. Granola & Coconut. Peanut Butter. Cashew Caramel. Almond Butter & Carob.

I love that GoMacro is not afraid of fat. They're loaded with omega-3 fats from raw nuts. Now, for all ya'll that need a friendly reminder, omega-3s are freakin' amazing because they literally CHANGE how your body's cells talk to one another. Eating a meal loaded with omega-3s literally sends signals between cells that say, "All is well in the body. Let's live it up!" unlike other fat sources which send signals between cells that promote disease and exhaustion.

And for the athletes out there. GoMacro is a freakin' phenomenal choice.Each bar has around 30-40 grams of carb which is the perfect amount of carb to fuel your workout or help replenish stored sugar in your muscles (glycogen) after a workout. Plus, all that healthy fat helps to keep blood sugar stable to prevent bonking and decrease inflammation to help recovery. 

Soooo.... besides being an awesome on-the-go snack choice, ya can get creative with GoMacro. Yesterday I had an incredibly yummy 300 cal breakfast loaded with protein, carbs and healthy fat. The PERFECT balance.


GoMacro Breakfast Bowl

Five minutes prep time

Serves 1

1/2 cup blueberries

3/4 cups plain Greek yogurt (non-fat if unable to buy organic)

1 dropper vanilla Stevia drops

1/4 tsp salt

1 GoMacro bar, chopped into small pieces (I used Sunny Uplift flavor!)

1. Add Greek yogurt, salt and stevia to a bowl. Mix well.

2. Top half with GoMacro and half with blubes!!


** I did receive product for this review, however these opinions are totally my own and 100% honest!! **


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